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Safety tips for table games

Not all online casinos are safe. It is your responsibility to do your due diligence and find out if a particular site can be trusted or not.

More often than not, people fall prey to scammers because they don't have good practices and lack the necessary protection in the software. Let's take a look at some basic tips you can use with the mobile online casino comparison portal https://mobilacasino.org/ to play online casino safely - the UK casino market is fortunately dominated by legitimate sites, but it doesn't hurt to hedge yourself.

Check the legitimacy of the site

The first step is to check the legitimacy of the site you're on. Here's how to do it:

Just before the URL or web address of the online casino site, you'll find a "lock" icon. Clicking on the padlock icon will tell you if the site is safe or not: a green padlock means safe, a red or cut off padlock means unsafe.

Check licensing and regulation

Legal online casino sites are run by legitimate companies. These are registered companies that are licensed under the gambling laws of countries such as Curacao and Malta. If a company is registered and licensed, it will not hesitate to put such information on its website. Usually, both the license information and the registration number are present in the footer of the website.

Games where it is clear how they work

Not all sites are completely transparent about how they work. And that's okay to a certain extent, especially when it comes to online casino sites. However, the importance of transparency and regulation should not be underestimated. This resource reports on Online Casino Marketing Strategies. 

Inform yourself about online casinos

Try to find as much information about the company as possible. If the site has a registered address, you can dig deeper and find information about the company online easily and freely.

Just run a Google search on the company name and location. You can also find some reviews on various sites offering such information.

Don't be fooled by fake bonuses.

Many online casinos make false promises. If the offer seems too good to be true, and you also can't find information about the site's licensing, it's probably a scam. In that case, abstain.

Install VPN and antivirus software from Bitdefender

Installing a VPN and anti-virus software are great ways to protect against online pirates, and they shouldn't be underestimated.

As we know: a VPN protects you from being tracked. Having a VPN ensures that no one can determine the IP address from which you access a website, including your ISP or authorities. The IP address is directly related to your geolocation. Hiding your IP address is the first step to anonymity and privacy.

Equally important is anti-virus software, which ensures that you are protected from any viruses or malware affecting your computer. A good, frequently updated antivirus will protect you from the most common rogue sites that try to download malware onto your system.

Bitdefender gives you the tools you need to play online casino safely, combine them with good practices and you'll be completely safe. Then just play and have fun without worrying.
